Saturday, October 2, 2010

Simplicity = Sophistication

Today I had the wonderful opportunity to watch General Conference for my church, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. It is broadcast from Salt Lake City and speakers are chosen from the leaders of the church. I was especially touched by two talks today. The first, by President Dieter F. Uchtdorf. He spoke about simplifying our lives. Mine seems rather hectic lately and I always feel like there is just too much to do. So, I am going to try to follow his counsel and simplify things that are within my control, and then forget about things that are not. My notes include the following:
  • It's rather easy to be busy.
  • Self worth does not depend on the length of my to do list.
  • Any virtue taken to the extreme can become a vice.
  • There's more to life than it's speed.
  • We must forgo some good things to chose those that are better or BEST.
  • Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication. -da Vinci
  • Don't get distracted from the fundamentals.
  • Amidst the throng of voices and choices, Christ stands with open arms and whispers"Come Follow Me".
  • Fundamentals unlock the windows of Heaven.
  • Diligently doing the things that matter most will lead us to the Savior of the world.
  • In the vocabulary of the family, love is spelled T-I-M-E.
I was so touched by so many things he said and can not wait to reread his talk when it comes out in the Ensign, or on later this week. It really is the simple things we do with our children especially that lets them know of our testimony and also our love for them.

Then, this afternoon I was especially touched by so many messages of faith. The things that are going on in my life right now certainly have the ability to try my faith and push me toward fear. But, I refuse to allow that to happen. I know that I am in my Heavenly Father's hands and that He is mindful of me and my needs. I also know that fear and faith can not dwell together, it simply is not possible. So, I choose FAITH! There was a talk by Richard C. Edgely that was all about making that choice and it touched me deeply. My favorite key points were:
  • Choose FAITH - it is the choice of freedom and protection.
  • Come & Knock are action verbs, we must do our part.
  • Choose faith over fear and over the unknown.
  • We are responsible for our own faith and also our lack of it.
  • I don't know everything, but I DO know the important stuff.
  • Choose to exercise faith and experiment upon His word.
  • Witness comes only after the trial of our faith.
  • Faith can turn a mountain of doubt and fear in to an abundance of peace and knowledge.
I feel like that last one especially applies to my life lately. Last Saturday I was full of fear, fear of my future as a single mom, fear of how my girls would react to moving away from their dad, fear of going back to school and the list goes on. But, as soon as I was willing to listen to the message that was given to me that night all that doubt and fear was replaced with peace and faith. I just knew that everything would work itself out, that my Father loves ME and has a specific plan just for me. I know He lives and that the Atonement of the Savior covers my pain and removes my fear, if I will give it to Him. Above all, I know He's got me and He always has.


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