Lately I feel like there is just TOO much to do, always running, always behind and always overwhelmed. I have an entire house to sort through and pack only what I absolutely must has to fit in a 5x10 trailer that will be pulled behind my car. That will probably mean leaving behind many things that have been a part of my life for a long time, but things are only things. I am taking all that is most important to me. I'm taking my children, I'm taking friendships, and I'm taking my faith.
I have 13 days left to tie up all the loose ends, the doctor appointments, saying goodbye to friends, finishing my divorce papers, stocking both stores that carry my bows as well as a few custom orders, packing and so many other things that need tied up. I feel like a busy busy bee. But, it is GOOD. It keeps me out of trouble, helps the time pass quickly, and gets me closer to moving forward with my life. There was a time that I would have been scared out of my mind and said, please wish me luck. That time is passed. I'm not scared and I don't need luck. I know who I am, where I belong, and where I'm going....and I know that I will have divine help and guidance in getting there because I am doing my best to do His will. I will fall short, probably daily, but I will pick myself up and try again tomorrow. And that my friends is all any of us can really do.
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